Grace Street Fellowship

Holding the Ropes

For many years, Grace Street has been supporting the Baptist Center for Global Concerns with our prayers, volunteer efforts, and also monthly financial support.

This past Sunday, Larry & Shawna Ashlock, John & Karen Bullock from the Baptist Center shared how the Lord is moving in and through the Center to touch the world for Christ.

Our church gathered around this beautiful team to pray for them as they prepare to leave July 3rd for Nigeria to train pastoral leaders and seminary students from the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary in Lagos, Nigeria.

We are asking every Grace Street member to pray for the safety of the team, but also for each team member to be used of the Lord to spread His Word.  Lord willing, the team will return home on Saturday, July 13th.

Over 200 years ago, a missionary society was formed to send missionaries to India. William Carey volunteered to be the first missionary to go.  At his formal appointment, a man in the crowd compared this opportunity to spread the gospel in India to a gold mine which is as deep as the center of the earth.  He wondered aloud, “Who will take this adventure for the Lord?”  William Carey responded immediately, “I will, but you must ‘hold the ropes.”

Grace Street family, this week and next, we get to “Hold the Ropes” for our friends who have stepped up to make this journey across the world for the sake of our Lord.  Please pray for the Bullocks and the Ashlocks as they make this journey.

Thank you so much!