It’s hard to hear God’s voice above the noise of everyday life. When is the last time you sat before God without a To Do list hanging over you, a pile of laundry the size of the Texas Stadium in the background, or family members pressing in on all sides? If you can’t remember, then let this be a sign for you to join us at the retreat.
By going to a retreat, we physically remove ourselves from life distractions, the call of chores, and the demands of people in order to make space for God. If you think you’re less spiritual because you struggle to hear from God in the cacophony of your daily life, be encouraged. Even Jesus recognized the value and need to get away.
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left then house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” Mark 1:35
When we desire to know God intimately, we seek Him Early and spend time with Him. We will be like Mary, sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to His voice. We will hunger and thirst for His righteousness, and we will be filled.
When you join a group of women singing praise songs to God, you’ll experience a taste of what Heaven’s going to be like when we’re gathered around His throne. When you sit with your sisters and open God’s Word, the insights you’ll gain as you study together will bring you closer to God’s truth. When you pray for others, and others pray for you, then you’ll know that you are not alone, not matter how heavy your burden is.
For these and many other reasons, women retreats are such high priority! You don’t want to miss this opportunity.